How to Clean Kitchen Cabinets to Remove Tough Messes

How to Clean Kitchen Cabinets to Remove Tough Messes

Are you tired of tussling with stubborn messes in your kitchen cabinets? Cleaning kitchen cabinets don’t have to be a dreaded chore. With the right approach and some simple steps, you can learn how to clean your cabinets quickly and easily.

Understanding the Type of Material of Your Cabinets

Before you begin cleaning your kitchen cabinets, it is important that you understand the type of material of your cabinets. Different cleaning solutions and methods may be appropriate based on the type of material. If you don’t know what your kitchen cabinets are made of, read the manufacturer’s directions. If any of these labels are not available, contact an expert contractor or homeowner store to get an accurate assessment.

The most common cabinet materials include:

  • Wood such as cherry, oak, and hickory;
  • Composite or fiber options including plywood with veneer laminate, medium density fiberboard (MDF) and particle board;
  • Metal can be painted or laminated with foil or plastic veneer.

Always consult a reputable kitchen cabinet provider for the best advice on cabinet cleaning and maintenance.

Preparing a Cleaning Solution

Before taking up a cleaning project for your kitchen cabinets, one of the most important steps is to prepare a suitable solution for the job. The homemade cleaner for cabinet cleaning should be strong enough to remove tough messes, like greasy and sticky residue, while gentle on the wood in order to protect the surface finish.

To get started, try mixing together equal parts of white vinegar and warm water in a large bowl or container. If you need extra scrubbing power, use baking soda instead of vinegar while still maintaining equal parts solution. Before using either mixture on your cabinets, it’s best to test it on an inconspicuous area first to make sure that it won’t leave any streaks or damage such as discoloration or loss of sheen.

If you’re looking for an even tougher cleaning solution without resorting to harsher chemicals, you can combine two teaspoons of borax with one-quart hot water until all powder is incorporated thoroughly into the liquid solution. Thoroughly rinse all surfaces before wiping them off with a damp cloth afterward.

Make sure that the cloth you use is free from any lint or fibers that might tend to cause scratches on the wood surfaces when banging around in the cabinets; lint-free paper towels work great for this project as well!

Removing Grease and Oil Stains

Grease and oil stains can be particularly challenging to remove because they often penetrate the material itself. To remove these tough messes, begin by using a soft scrub brush to loosen any stuck-on particles. Dip the brush into a solution of warm water and mild soap and gently scrub the surface. For tougher stains, use a mixture of baking soda and water in place of the soap solution, or you may use commercially available degreasing solutions such as mineral spirits, trisodium phosphate (TSP) cleaner or citrus-based cleaners. If your cabinet has been painted or waxed, use a gentle cleaner designed for such surfaces to avoid damage to the finish.

After scrubbing, rinse with clean warm water and pat dry with a soft cloth or paper towels. If there are still traces of grease remaining after rinsing and drying, buff with a paste made from:

  • coarse salt mixed with
  • mild dishwashing liquid

until all traces of grease have been lifted off the cabinets’ surfaces.

Cleaning Up Sticky Residue

Cleaning sticky residue from kitchen cabinets can be a tricky task, especially if the residue has built up over time. Fortunately, there are several methods you can utilize to easily remove the sticky mess and make your cabinets look like new.

Related:  Guide to Standard Kitchen Cabinet Dimensions

One of the first steps in cleaning sticky residue is to identify what type of substance it is. Depending on the type of residue, different cleaning solutions may be required. For example, if it’s grease or cooking oil splatter, warm water with a general-purpose cleaner or multi-purpose cleaner should work well. However, for substances such as wax or candy leftovers, you may want to use a higher-strength household cleaner or degreaser specifically designed for bigger messes.

Once you have identified what type of mess it is and chosen an appropriate solution, you will need to determine which type of microfiber cloth (or non-abrasive scrubber) to use in order to avoid scratching or damaging your cabinets as you clean them. Make sure the cloth is clean and dry before using it; dampening it may be necessary depending on the kind of surface that needs cleaning (wooden cabinets may require less moisture).

It can also help to open windows while cleaning if using chemical cleaners so that any toxic fumes are not trapped inside your kitchen area. Once all surfaces have been wiped down and dried off (air drying is preferred), then finish by buffing with a soft cloth for an even shinier result!

Dealing With Food and Beverage Stains

When it comes to stubborn food and beverage stains, it is important to address them quickly. Begin by removing any crumbs or scraps of food from the surface. Once the cabinet is free of visible dirt, use a solution of 1-quart warm water and 1 teaspoon of mild liquid soap, such as dishwashing liquid, in a bucket. If you have wooden cabinets, take care not to moisten and soak the wood too much or they may become warped.

Use a soft cloth to gently scrub any trouble spots, going over your work several times if necessary until the problem area is clean. Rinse away the remaining soap residue with warm water using another wet cloth before drying with a soft clean towel or cloth.

Eliminating Mold and Mildew

Mold and mildew can be an especially difficult mess to remove from kitchen cabinets, as the spores like to build up in porous surfaces and create a sticky film that is tricky to wash away. To clean mold and mildew, try one of the following methods:

  • Mix one part vinegar with four parts warm water (or a few squirts of dish soap) in a spray bottle. Spray liberally on cabinets and allow the solution to sit for 3-5 minutes. Wipe away with a damp cloth or scrub brush depending on how severe the mess is.
  • If you don’t have any vinegar, you can also make a paste out of baking soda and water. Apply this paste directly to the moldy surface and gently rub it in with your fingers or a soft-bristled brush then let it sit for 10 minutes before rinsing it off with clean water.
  • For extra sanitizing power, use 2 tablespoons of bleach for every 1 gallon of water when cleaning countertops to make sure that any lingering germs are eliminated from your kitchen space!

Cleaning Water Marks and Rings

Watermarks, rings, and blemishes can occur on kitchen cabinets due to improper cleaning or inaccurate wiping after washing. Potential causes include using too much water while cleaning and leaving liquid residue behind or steam from boiling pots of water nearby. Fortunately, it’s possible to clean kitchen cabinets with a few effective techniques to remove these water marks and rings.

Related:  How to Refinish Your Kitchen Cabinets

Mix equal parts of distilled white vinegar and warm tap water in a spray bottle or bucket. Then, dampen a soft cloth with the mixture and use it to rub the spots gently until they disappear or become less visible. Ensure that you thoroughly rinse the area you have cleaned before drying it with another soft cloth to avoid leaving behind a sticky residue.

If these stains persist, make a paste out of baking soda and warm water – then use your dampened cloth from earlier to apply the paste onto your kitchen cabinets. Leave it there for about fifteen minutes before wiping it away with a clean, damp towel. This should do the trick for most types of spots; however, if need be you can repeat all steps until happy with the results.

Removing Scratches and Dents

Scratches and dents are common on kitchen cabinets, especially those made from wood or laminate. To remove them, you can use a product specifically designed for the type of cabinet material you have.

For wooden cabinets, try a wood cleaner or wax. First, clean any dirt or dust on the surface with a damp cloth and then use a soft cloth to apply the wax in the same direction as the grain of the wood. Allow it to sit for at least five minutes before buffing it off with another soft cloth. Depending on how deep the scratches are, you may need to repeat this process several times until they are gone.

If your cabinets are made from laminate, try using an all-purpose cleaning product formulated for laminate surfaces. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions and apply it directly onto dampened surface using a soft cloth and then wipe off with another clean cloth before allowing it to dry. You may be able to fill deep scratches by applying rubbing compound over them and letting them dry overnight or longer—reapply until the scratch is virtually invisible.

Frequently Asked Questions

What type of cleaning products should I use on my kitchen cabinets?

It is best to use a mild detergent or soap with warm water to clean kitchen cabinets. For tough messes, a sponge or soft brush can be used with a mild cleaner.

How can I remove grease and grime from my kitchen cabinets?

To remove grease and grime from kitchen cabinets, use a degreasing cleaner or a mixture of vinegar and water. A soft cloth should be used to apply the cleaner and it should be wiped off with another damp cloth.

How often should I clean my kitchen cabinets?

Kitchen cabinets should be cleaned at least once a month. This will help to prevent dust and dirt from accumulating and making it difficult to remove.


It can be difficult to know how to best clean kitchen cabinets and remove the toughest messes. Thankfully, the strategies outlined here can help you tackle all types of sticky, greasy, and grimy stuck-on messes. From wiping surfaces with damp cloths, mixing mild detergents with warm water, or even utilizing professional products like Magic Eraser sponges, there’s something out there to suit every individual’s needs and preferences.

Cleaning kitchen cabinets on a regular basis can not only enhance the appearance of your home but also help to prolong the longevity of your wood and cabinetry. Remember that prevention is key in keeping your kitchen cabinets looking their best – regular maintenance goes a long way!